Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunset Snapshot

This one's coming to you from (where else?) the Bahamas.  I know this week I've inundated you with beachy Bahamian bliss (you see those alliterative skillz right there?), but I do hope it brought a bit of sunshine to your days during this almost-but-not-yet-summer time of year, and I do appreciate you letting me share the sidetracks of my life with you (not that you had a choice in the matter....). 

But my point is that everyday, I look forward to writing about the happiest parts of my life here, and I'm grateful if you stick around to listen.

{Nothing but ocean.  And a very pretty Tasha}

The real point of this post is that it's Friday.  So enjoy the sunset if you can, and go forth and celebrate the weekend!

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