Monday, October 8, 2012

Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic

This weekend we didn't do anything we were supposed to do.  We shirked all responsibility, ate and drank willy-nilly, and thought about nothing of importance.  We didn't cook; we didn't clean; and I didn't pick up that last roll of film I took in Croatia (sorry!).  Instead, we wore silly outfits and got drunk on expensive champagne while people on horses hit a ball around.  It was a grand ol' time.

{Brian breaking out the seersucker!}
There are about 65 pictures of the two of us on my camera...I feel sorry for the boys we made take all of them for us!  Haha!

We ran into a friend from Duke!  (And promptly made ourselves comfortable on her Veuve blanket.)

The only let-down was the lack of celebrity sightings.  (The VIP tent was on the other side of the field (behind us in this pic), so all the celebs were totally segregated from us commoners.)  Luckily, there were enough fabulous outfits everywhere to keep me entertained :)  It was a carefree day of glamour and luxury -- th best kind of day!

*Not pictured:  a repeat Lobsta Truck appearance.  YUM.

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